Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Impressions: Rinne no Lagrange

And here's the actual mecha series of the season.

It's still kinda iffy.

She really really really needs to go to the restroom right now

Rinne no Lagrange is essentially the Guilty Crown of Winter 2012. Yes, Guilty Crown is still in action, but seriously...But both series follow the same path: the protagonist gets a super power by accident, he/she's forced into saving the world once (or maybe even twice) while he bumbles around because he doesn't know how to control his powers, and then the main mentor/Obi-Wan Kenobi figure asks him to join the fight for justice. 

...Disregarding the fact that, of course, the protagonist always complains about how they just want a normal life and they got roped into this whole "saving the Earth" shenanigan. Oh and I bet the stress involved with fighting creepy villains and monsters is pretty high too.

...and both series' protagonists agree without a moment of hesitation.


Our missiles don't work! Fire more missiles!

The Lagrange soundtrack is meh. I actually like the ED (Hello! by Megumi Nakajima) better than the OP (TRY UNITE! by Megumi Nakajima), since the OP seems to be a more trance-y version of a ClariS single. I guess whatever floats your boat, but don't expect anything tear-jerking from here.

The graphics style is very very clean. It's somewhat reminiscent of Kyoukai Senjou no Horizon's style, but with less gloss and more straight colors. Personally, I really like it and it helps with watching the series without becoming easily frustrated.

The plot is stereotypical. You have the energetic girl, the girl uses the mecha, her family doesn't want her to do it (presumably off the absurd assumption that giant military-use robots are by-and-large pretty dangerous), she beats the pants off her first opponent with her inborn talent, then the whole Guilty Crown fiasco.

The reason I call it a fiasco is this: there are too many protagonists in anime series recently that just look at a crisis that they've gone through and say, "ok."


Cry! Be introspective! Think about what you're doing! Run! Cry and run! Just...dealing with "saving the world" should not come easily to ANYBODY. If you're going for realistic character interactions, don't take the easy way out and let the main character brood over what he/she's doing! It's really frustrating when the hero's taken a beating and decides to move on, not because he's "determined to face it", but just because. That's not how people work, and that's not how realistic characters should work.

I'll stop for now.

Status: Watching because I like the graphics.

Why you gotta do that mang

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