Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Impressions: High School DxD

Huff puff
Puff huff
More reviews gogogo

Clearly a common need

For those of you who suffered through Maken-ki!, you're not out of the woods yet.

Welcome to High School DxD, where non sequitur boob/panty shots are the appetizer, the main course, AND the desert.

And CrimsonMonarch is enjoying every second of it.

They actually added a "squick" sound effect when they bounced around. I mean...really?

The blog team (with the exception of CrimsonMonarch) would like to express our intense disapproval of this piece of shit. I mean...what can I say?

The graphics are fine I guess. Due to the miracle of science the advancement of computer graphic tools, TNK studios has evolved their drawings to a much more refined form of Akane-iro ni Somaru Saka and School Days (their previous productions). Seeing as bother were very well drawn, I don't really have much to complain about. The girls are cute, the powers look cool, yada yada.

The soundtrack was not very noticeable, mainly because they were overshadowed by the overabundance of dancing girls in risqué poses. The OP was just a bunch of guitar power chords. It wasn't very good if I don't notice stuff, so ah well. If anybody wants to contradict me I'd be more than happy to listen to a decent piece in the series.

As for the plot...

What do you expect from a series with a protagonist that says, "Man, I'd like to grab some boobs" straight out of the prologue? Yes, we understand. The male protagonists for the 2011 season were mainly social retards. That doesn't give you an excuse to go the other extreme and make them a pervert.'s fine to have normal people with common sense. It's ok to have cool protagonists in manga series. Anti-heroes do NOT have to be awkward. Please...just please...stop.

Pictured: NOT Seitokai no Ichizon.

I know that I'm gonna hear from CrimsonMonarch at least ten times this weekend about how good the series are because of the girls. I don't care. It has a shell of a plot desperately wrapped around a rancid core of fanservice, and that isn't enough to get me into the series.

Status: Dropped. Maybe will watch if I have exhausted all emergency resources and am hiding in a post-apocalyptic shelter.

BartreTheBeast tells me that CrimsonMonarch tells me that "dude, High School DxD has a legit plot!"



  1. THIS IS THE GREATEST SHOW I HAVE EVER WATCHED! Don't listen to EC and his heresies! To me, Highschool DxD deserves the same respect and admiration as Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Bobobobobobobo. Truth be told, the plot isn't anywhere near "Crime and Punishment", but it's still good considering that it's mainly a fan service anime. And the fan service is amazing if I do say so myself. Do not listen to this fool has given up the pleasures of the flesh!
    Also, based on the light novel stuff, the anime will probably get better in the later episodes. I admit the plot of the first book is a bit weak, but trust me, it gets better.
    At least the protagonist isn't a retard like Shoe from Guilty Crown. I think that the protagonist is very likeable, and the entire "harem king" thing makes me crack up every time. This show contains fanservice, humor, and action. What's there not to like?
    (Also, the ED is quite good)

  2. A note to anyone who may be swayed by the above comment: I would take the words of someone who fails to realize that pirates are illegal by definition with a grain of salt (see the post "First Impressions: Mouretsu Pirates"). Just saying.

    Also, seeing as Baka-Tsuki's synopsis of the series calls him a "a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student," it makes me wonder exactly how stupid you have to be in order to be classified as a "retard."

    Finally, I invite you to post the bit comparing DxD with other notable series on a few forums. I would be interested to see the responses you get. Something tells me the Cowboy Bebop fans might not be all too accepting.
