Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First Impressions: Kill Me Baby!

Sorry for the mega-delay on these series, but I mean...all these series...

So many series...shudder

I think the "me" refers to the viewer.

So for these First Impressions posts I'm gonna be biased and put them out and descending order of shittiness. Coincidentally, shittiness is inversely proportional to how much I write for a series, so expect a flood and then better analyses of the sequels and adaptations we all looked forward to in the fall. Some of the other people on the blog team will rage at my curt analysis, but it's what this season gets for being so mediocre. Suck it.

Anyways, this is a bad series. Nobody has to be a genius to figure that out. The graphics are simplistic and crude, the soundtrack is nonexistent, and the humor...

Well the humor...is bland. It's not awful, like "oh God why did I ever set my eyes on this series" awful, but it IS based around the same qualities of the characters. This would be fine if they made different jokes...except they did the same joke over and over again...in the first episode. That would be excusable if they introduced a whole bunch of characters in every episode so as to make new jokes right?

There are only four characters that matter in the entire series.

I think if you add the time that this scene shows up in the episode it would add up to more than the time given for one of the mini-stories

Honestly the major appeal of this is that the episodes are only 3 minutes.

They were 24?

Shit, I must have skipped through the parts that didn't matter.

In short, screw you J.C. Staff. Just because you're doing a majority of the heavy hitters this season (Ano Natsu de Matteru, Tantei Milky Opera Holmes 2, Zero no Tsukaima F) doesn't give you license to crap out a terrible series for filler. Go away.

Status: Dropped like an anchor.

*cups face in hands*
Why, J.C. Staff...?

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