Sunday, September 30, 2012

Conclusion: Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru!

Fanservice series count: 5. Rising...and rising...and rising. - ____________ -;;

At least NakaImo has decent service. Along with Oda Nobuna, Studio Gokumi makes a solid case for its drawing department. As for its writing department, well...

Best question of the day ever.

These imouto series premises are getting dumber and dumber by the month. I know that we're all suckers for these easy harems and wincest routes, but give me a fucking break. One of them is his sister and he has to avoid her like the plague? What a retarded plot...

Ok, that's not the reason why I'm mad. The production values were good, the characters looked good, the OP and ED are both decently hyper, and the character backgrounds are relatively realistic. Why I really got angry was for two reasons:

1) If this is a series to find out who the real sister is, can we have some more forewarning and better clues than the phrase "I want to marry you" coming up over and over again? Being all like "yo we gotta find the clues to find the sister" and then only showing enough evidence to realize who the sister is at the climax of the last episode is bullshit. Don't be like that.

2) YOU'RE DOING WINCEST WRONG. Don't resolve the relationship with the real imouto by having the male lead + the imouto swear to be 'best siblings' in a vague sense, do a shitty filler for a minute, then end with a standard harem chase. That's so so so so bad. Why don't you do something unique for once? This vague harem bullshit is nonsense. Either pick the girl or reject her, don't make it into a 'soft incest' that reduces the sister to nothing more special than 'another member of the harem'. That's insulting to the idea of 'family' in and of itself, and I just can't stand it.

Yes, yes, you're a perfect little sister. Now hop off my dick before this becomes a bad series.

The plot in itself is nothing special - you just find the sister, and there's a scandal along the way that doesn't really matter. Due to the mystery sister hunt, the main guy (Mikadono Shougo) picks up his harem. But it's really frustrating how the 'sister' seems to be nothing special. Even when he does find his real sister Miyabi, she just gets treated like another girl Shougo has to deal with. That's not how families work. Did the writers of NakaImo + the author never see Clannad or something? Family members are special. They're not just people. Regardless of whether you love them or hate them, you have a bond with them that's different from other people. It actually makes me very angry in retrospect to see this trend increase, where the 'imouto' in a series is nothing more than a younger girl that lives in the same house as the male lead. Where did the mutual understanding go? Where did the familial priorities go? It's a sad, sad state after all.

I would recommend watching this series if you really need that fanservice, but I feel that supporting series like this supports these shallow plot trends that we've seen, and that absolutely cannot do.

Recommendation: Don't watch this series unless you're very, very desperate. The ending WILL make people who have seen the 'imouto wave' of series this past year very, very angry.

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Non-harem girl troll so hard

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