Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Halfway Point: YuruYuri♪♪


I think the above statement is actually a masterful summary of this series.

ONLY ONE MORE REVIEW LEFT TO GO, HOO YEA (I'll watch and give a Conclusion review of Tari Tari later, but right now I can't muster up the energy...)

Yes. This is the first five seconds of Yuruyuri, episode one, season two.

Yuruyuri man. It's so good.

The graphics are the same as in season one, if a bit smoother in frames. The round blobs that we all know and love are fucken back, and in full force. Hoo yea.

The audio is also hyper as hell - and that's a good thing, mind you. So far, Yuruyuri is the one of two series this season (Joshiraku being the other) that has both a noticeably good OP (Yes! Yuyuyu☆Yuruyuri♪♪ by Nanamoriuchi☆Gorakubu) and ED (100% Chu~Gakusei by Nanamoriuchi☆Gorakubu). Following along the first season's lines of 'holy fucknut crazy', season two ramps up the speed, the electronic effects, and the energy. Good work on not just trying to focus on the OP and keeping a balance of quality between the OP and the ED. I also like how each character has her own short theme during the transition from the first half of the episode to the second. Details like that really get me. Anyways, great job with adding a good mood to the series via the music.

Now to the characters.

I think these chills on my back are due to the eerie photorealism 

Yuruyuri doesn't pretend to be a legitimate slice-of-life. It's a comedic parody of one, and it does a good job, from its deadpan moments to WTF surrealism to the extreme interactions the characters have with each other (Kyouko wants Chinatsu so, so much). Season two is just as good, if not better, with the humor. It adds in a lot more WTF moments but keeps the interaction humor so that people that have already watched season one can smirk as the girls bounce off each other. Yuruyuri season 2 nicely addresses the comedic spot that Joshiraku is weak in - spontaneous, more WTF or slapstick-based humor. In doing so, it has received a solid spot in my watching schedule every week. You should watch it too, no matter how many ignorant bastards tell you that watching round blobs kills your brain. It's all good fun and you should have some also.

Recommendation: Definitely watch it, especially if you've watched season 1. And get ready to shout TOSHINOOOOOO KYOUUUUUUUUUUKOOOOOOOOOO after watching season one.


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