Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Halfway Point: Oda Nobuna no Yabou


Anyways, here's one that turned out to be slightly better than expected. Let's review Oda Nobuna no Yabou.

A 400-year difference in technology apparently also meant that everyone in the past was retarded

As expected from Studio Gokumi, the graphics turned out to be very nice. The blushing is good, the eyes are great, and the proportions are nothing short of magnificent. Overall, not much to say other than the fact that you won't regret it if you choose this series for its fanservice.

The audio, however, is meh. The OP is just a whole bunch of incoherent guitar noises into some minor chord progressions at the end by the female voice, whereas the ED was just nondescript as hell. The animations were pretty cool, though. The people that like a 'girl spread' in the OP/ED (a la Majikoi or Hidan no Aria ED) will enjoy the ED of Oda Nobuna no Yabou.

More to the lack of plot!

Or is there?


General plot: Yoshiharu Sagara, our darling protagonist lands face-flat in the Sengoku era; fortunately, most everybody important involved is a young, marry-able girl. With the exception of Kinoshita Toukichirou, who dies shortly in front of our protagonist. Oh, sorry. I meant the future general, Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

So now the Sagara is burdened with the task of subbing in for Hideyoshi. Good thing that he's played too many Sengoku-era games to count and can pretty much recite all the major events that will be happening in that world from scratch. Nothing like reading your opponents' minds. And so the conquest of Oda Nobuna and her strategist, Sagara, begins. And of course, the harem/romance/comedy that comes along with conquest.

The plot as expected centers around the Sengoku era and what Sagara does to pilot it. After all, he has a couple of objectives:

1) Girls
2) Need to get back to his house ASAP
3) Girls
4) Need to make sure history isn't screwed up by Hideyoshi's death; AKA he needs to help Oda Nobuna conquer all of Japan. ezpz
5) Girls


The 'subbing in for Hideyoshi' part, while not necessarily novel, is quite good. The story mixes in a bit of what Hideyoshi actually did and some original lines from the protagonist to make the story interesting. Of course, there's the romance, but that's also par for the course. The source of the romance though is quite good. It's not the usual "oh the guy is cool so I'm gonna follow him" bullshit. The young girl conqueror is plagued by doubts and the fact that others are nipping away at her ambitions...and Sagara must help her through. This aspect of the boy helping the determined girl through her ambitions is something I'd like to see more often for a change. Good job making a story that's filled with tropes and cliches such as girl samurai in the Sengoku era a tad more interesting.

Of course, how will history (not?) be changed? Will Sagara gather a harem? What challenges will Nobuna and her aides face as they go on to conquer Japan? All this will be answered if you stop watching Sengoku Collection and start watching Oda Nobuna no Yabou. It's a surprisingly refreshing series despite its fanservice and I do recommend it in the context of the summer 2012 season.

Recommendation: One of those Sengoku series that isn't too much trash.


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