Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Conclusion: Tasogare Otome x Amnesia

Hmmm...I might give this thing a good score just for Choir Jail (the OP; sung by Konomi Suzuki)...

Or maybe I should stop being lazy and actually review it. Oh well, here we go!

I just really like watching this part of each episode for some reason. Maybe it's because of the inclusion of the 'cute' Yuuko in the 3rd panel.

So it's pretty hard to say that Tasogare has mediocre production values. With the memorable OP mentioned above and Silver Link having worked on series notable for its high quality graphics/audio (e.g.: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu, with involvements in Koihime Musou, ef: a tale of memories, Hidan no Aria, and many more), Tasogare is pretty good eye-candy, whether I'm looking at Yuuko-san in a swimsuit or Okonogi-san in too many layers of winter clothing à la A Christmas Story style.

However, I do also have to congratulate it for having a relatively decent plot with a 'safe' conclusion (more on that later). The anime followed both the manga's letter and the spirit quite decently, de-emphasizing the supernatural for a heavier focus on relationships, peoples' perceptions, and acceptance. Indeed, if you have actually read Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, you would quickly realize that Tasogare is a series about how people create their own supernatural events - from the spooky dark creature that goes bump in the night in a corner of your living room, to the way that Yuuko the ghost deals with the fact that she had to unjustly sacrifice herself by creating a shadow Yuuko.

Again, I laud the anime for corralling in all of the very basic (but necessary) plot points of Tasogare Otome x Amnesia in 12 episodes without making it seem overly hurried. There were a few episodic stories thrown in to relate to how the series is formatted, but the majority of the anime is focused (as it should be) on getting Yuuko to accept herself'; her fate; the fact that people will do what they do; that she paid the highest price as a living being for her loved ones; and that she died alone, unsure and cursing her hasty decision. Good job on focusing on these points and also how the relationship to Niiya Teiichi affects the above.

A) Eggs
B) Ham
C) An elephant
D) The moon

Would you like to phone a friend?

That doesn't mean that there wasn't fanservice. From the tsun act of Kirie, to the bold and silly moves of Okonogi, to the flirting of Yuuko, there's enough good scenes to last a season and then some. The ending was quite a copout, but that's just as it should be. The manga hasn't ended yet, after all, and although very important, Yuuko's background arc is just that - a major arc. The manga is still relatively very "mini-arcish" in nature, and continuing Niiya's adventures harem of 'friends' is a given. 

Tasogare shows that yes, you can indeed mix fanservice, good production values, and a decent character development/romance/plot, as long as you keep the pace steady and well-mapped out. Although not exactly a sparkling rarity, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia brings a solid performance to the Spring 2012 season that could easily deserve a rewatch.

Recommendation: Try it at least once - but be prepared; it's not a fast-paced action-adventure genre.

Some obligatory fanservice.

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