Saturday, July 14, 2012

Conclusion: Acchi Kocchi



Valentine's Day chocolates. They're srs bsns.

I really don't get Acchi Kocchi. I always think that it's going to be a flat, dumb series with only the cute production values to [not] make up for its lack of anything relevant to a story. But in one way or another, Acchi Kocchi almost always manages to provide a decent amount of humor for the viewers. Via familiarizing the viewers with the constant exchange and relationships between the characters, Acchi Kocchi manages to deliver pretty well for a series that (at least I think) not many expected to be that good.

This, of course, isn't to demean Acchi Kocchi's usage of its production values, of course. Acchi Kocchi used its unique graphic style and transitions to great effect, especially with the arrows to indicate what was going on. The cute animations also allowed for more extreme things to go on, like the head-nomming of Miniwa on Io that seems to be the trend in this series.

Well...define best stand.

Personally, I liked this series, and it shows that stereotypical romances (parodied or not) and cute, round production values can be used to create a series that isn't boring and doesn't just consist of moe-blobs running around. Yuruyuri proved that and Acchi Kocchi does it again. Seeing this, I'm not too hesitant in saying: let's break the myths - let's watch both cute series AND 'deep' series - let's watch Acchi Kocchi.

Recommendation: Watch it for lots of gentle laughs and a couple of boisterous ones. Not necessarily a series to skip.


P.S.: Sorry for the shorter conclusions - thought you might like them, and also, there's not a lot I have to slobber over/rant on for these series.

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