Sunday, June 26, 2011

ExtraCareful's Soundtrack Pick of the Week

So it's time for me to introduce to you another delightful OP:
Perfect-Area Complete! (Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu OP)
Natsuko Aso
Woot one that's not blocked! Enjoy 4 minutes of high-energy joy.
This ranks highly amongst my favorites - the variation isn't exactly great, but then it doesn't need to be. It ramps up the energy like there's no tomorrow and does let go until the end. Great music to listen when you're feeling tired. The thing I really like about this is that there's just so much stuff flying around in this song that it overwhelms you. The vocal solo isn't much, but what I do like is the beginning part from 0:00~0:10. Great piano use. Besides that, not much to say. The OVA pieces for Baka to Test are also very good, but perhaps not the ED. BartreTheBeast hates that thing with a passion.
I would also like to recommend Baka to Test as a series to put in your "to watch"'s a great slapstick series with a lot of hard-hitting humor on the side and enjoyable for all audiences. Anyways, this is my Soundtrack Pick of the Week. Enjoy!