Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Hey guys, another Christmas (or whichever holiday you celebrate) has rolled around - I hope you're comfortably resting at your homes and here's to a great end of the year!

oboeotaku: So, this has been sitting around in the drafts section since god knows when. So fuck it, I'm publishing it, regardless of whether it's finished or not. Banzai, happy holidays to y'all.

ExtraCareful: Just like last year, here's a simple game for each Christmas-related pic! Try to guess correctly the series involved in each drawing!

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Again, a Merry Christmas to you all and have a great time at home!

OboeOtaku: I'm currently in Korea, and the place I'm at only has shitty, unsafe wi-fi (not exactly here for vacation purposes gg). As such, I can't really do much right now, because if my dad sees me on the internet for over 5 minutes at a time, he starts nagging at me to get off. We'll see If I can join in on a New Years Post, but I might have to add my segments...well, after 2014 rolls over. Merry Christmas to the rest of you though. I hope you enjoy your access to wi-fi. As I really can't.

I'd add pics...but

My attempts to go onto Danbooru/Gelbooru. Screw you too South Korea

Oh right, I'm not forgetting this year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARCUEID. And happy belated birthday Yukiho.

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