Sunday, June 24, 2012

ExtraCareful's Soundtrack Pick of the Week

More hiatus breaking! More! More!

Happy Crazy Box (Medaka Box OP)
Kuribayashi Minami

Download the full version here or here

There seems to be a growing trend for songs to be more and more hyper. I mean, take something like the Clannad or Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OPs. Even TTGL's OP, Sorairo Days, seems to be relatively tame compared to, say, something like Ren'ai Koujou Committee (Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu OVA OP) or Super Affection (Carnival Phantasm OVA OP). But now it has gotten to the point where songs seem trance-like - so much so that it's almost redundant to try remixing them. And that's where Happy Crazy Box comes in.

First off, the singer definitely, DEFINITELY fits the song. After hearing the Infinite Stratos OP and other singles by her, I'd say her strong voice is a must for this OP (she could probably have made a great Medaka too, come to think of it...)

I really like the synth piano intro - it's good for the 'quiet' duet parts with the vocals, and it mixes very nicely with the electronic effects. The much more noticeable drum & bass parts are excellent for running, and it keeps the song stable. Furthermore, I'll forgive Happy Crazy Box for using the guitar, because it's an obvious (if extra) part that's prominent in more parts than just the instrumental solo before the vocal solo. The melody is really nice, and the even eighth-note drum syncopation along with the hooked-note, dragged out vocal line of Kuribayashi sends shivers down my back. Last but not least, the 5-note chromatic harmony that runs wherever the conclusion of the main melody is (e.g.: one example or other example) is excellent. People should really add more of these kinds of modulations to their songs instead of shitting around with a guitar solo that has nothing to do with anything.

Anyways, although Medaka Box has just ended, I've used this on more than one occasion to help me stay up, keep running, get through, and own everything (which helps especially if you know the Medaka Box storyline). I hope this does the same for you when it lands in your music player.


Also, if I haven't done so already, I highly recommend Maoyuu Maou Yuusha to read. Imagine it as Spice & Wolf but more flirty and macroeconomic in terms of what kinds of trivia it teaches.

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