Tuesday, February 14, 2012

ExtraCareful's Soundtrack Pick of the Week

 Ok, so a new soundtrack post seems to be in order...

Taidou (Gensoukyou Jihen; Touhou OST Arrangement)
Toshimasa (Floating Cloud; Performed by Floating Cloud Acoustic Band)

Dat pseudo-Irish tune

I try not to include Touhou arrangements/remixes for my SPotWs because they're all based the same themes...and as such, they grow repetitive fairly quickly, even if they are all technically different. The ones I do pick though, are either:

1) Superbly creative and adds in something original OR
2) Are done such that the theme in itself is addicting.

It's very hard to hit (2) after you've heard the Touhou themes enough (let alone (1)), but I believe Taidou manages to do a great job with (2) and a satisfactory job with (1). There's just something about an Irish arrangement that gets everyone to do a jig, and this is no exception. 0:28 introduces the acoustic guitar and the synth violin solo/fiddle thing, and that's where the party starts. Adding in the woodwind "echo" for the violin melody and adding in more bells and whistles completes this piece. Perhaps not the most creative, but definitely something to put in your music folder when you have the time. Enjoy!

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