Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, from the blogger crew! We'll be doing our reviews, our wishes, our resolutions, and the awesome part from last year - the awards! Stay tuned!

What impresses me more than the fact that they're about to fight WWII-style with tanks in those kimonos is the fact that the girl on the right has her hair tied into a bowtie

Tidings from ExtraCareful:
Well, here's another year gone by. Who would've thought it? Already, the series I've watched seem such oldies. In terms of anime/manga, this year has been quite a roller-coaster ride, with more and more series getting very used to the 12-/24-episode adaptation format, and with those who aren't fit for it getting random seasons or OVA packages. As there are many manga/LN/VN-original series out there that would make great adaptations if not for this format, I still think it's bad, but congrats to the studios for picking up the pace and not having 11 episodes of going nowhere then 1 episode of OMFG DRAMATIC TENSION CONCLUSION.

2012 also was a part in two distinct, and probably almost unstoppable trends:
a) an increase in quantity of series over quality of series. This spring and summer of 2012, there were ~20-30 series that I had to review for our seasonal Expectations posts. This winter 2013, there are 51. Fifty-one? Really? Yes, anime series/five-minute shorts/OVAs are a quick way to get some money off a suddenly popular original, but c'mon, guys...while this has led to some delightful surprises such as Hyouka and Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, it has also led to many series like Sengoku Collection or Shiawase no Pan that wasted time better spent on a more worthwhile venture, especially considering the episode restrictions discussed above..

If you had looked at just the OP and not the title, you would have thought that the title for this series was Oda Nobuna in fucking Wonderland and not something like Sengoku Collection

b) the increase in romantic-comedy (rom-com) series or series with this sort of theme/device, especially if it also involves a love triangle/harem (implied or direct). Yes, my niche is slice-of-life. Yes, I watch and read more rom-com/harem series than probably anyone else on the crew. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy situations that don't involve either of those sub-genres. It makes me honestly angry that potentially good originals, good ideas, good potential is wasted to produce half-baked stuff like Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru or Dakara Boku wa, Ecchi ga Dekinai. It also makes me angry that out of the 'upcoming series' list, it is becoming harder and harder to find series that are not either from popular originals or rom-com series. Furthermore, this seeming panic to churn out as much of this fanservice/flirting shit out the door as fast as possible has also made some really disappointing adaptations, such as KyoAni's flop - Chuunibyou, Demo Koi ga Shitai - and Shaft's horrible follow-up on Bakemoogatari, Nisemonogatari.

I agree - guys will lap up the shit out of fanservice. It'll make enough money, no matter how lame the rest of the series is, if the fanservice is good enough. But isn't it also a viable idea to take a good plot in a good original (it can involve fanservice/rom-com, it just has to flow well with the rest of the story) and make it a series that everyone will really want to watch via word-of-mouth? Something that will last, and last, and last due to its quality? Something that people will want to buy on BD 1080p because they'll come back to it in several months or a year and watch it with a smile on their face? I want to do that with Kokoro Connect (disregarding that incident...) I would do it with Rinne no Langrange, or Natsuiro Kiseki, or Magi, or Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. Would I want to buy a BD set of Koi to Senkyou to Chocolate? Dream on.

When you see it you will shit bricks

Although I sound overly cynical in making these two points, I've got to say that the production quality and ability to make the originals come to life in animated format is much better now than ever. Everything's all glossy, shiny, explodey as shit, and even harem/romance series such as Oda Nobuna no Yabou has ridiculous-number-of-frames fighting scenes that make me laugh out loud. In this sense, the coming of years is a blessing - characters and ideas will be re-imagined and reinvigorated in ways that we wouldn't be able to configure in out heads, with more details and better production quality than ever. I can only hope then, that the studios pick series that are worth animating in the seasons to come...for all of our sakes.

OboeOtaku's 2 cents:
'Sup. Holy ballfuck, EC writes a shitton. Not that that's anything new.
I actually dunno what to say. To anyone who checks this blog, a warm thanks. EC needs more viewers...especially after his SAO post.

It's probably because I've watched more anime this year than ever before, but I quite enjoyed myself this year. There were some really good slice-of-life series coming out in the latter half of the year. I also set a record for the number of series I rewatched. I went through about half of TTGL and Toradora, completely rewatched Oreimo and Denpa Onna, and rewatched Carnival Phantasm at least twice. It's surprising how enjoyable series can be when you revisit them. Hyouka and Hansaku Iroha are also now surefire candidates for rewatching when the going gets slow. The latest season was particularly enjoyable, with the double SoL combo of Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo and Little Busters!, with Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! serving an overdose of delightful fanservice on the side. EC bemoans the emphasis of quantity over quality, and I would also join him in his grieving were it not for the fact that I never watch that many airing series to begin with. But I understand him nevertheless.

By the way, if we're listing what 1080p BDs we'd like, I'd do it with Hyouka, Sakurasou, and Little Busters. If we branch back to last year, I'd take Hanasaku Iroha and Denpa Onna as well.

And before we move on to wishes and resolutions...you guys should read Molester Man. I realize it sounds extremely fucking sketchy, but it isn't actually about molestation. And it isn't really that ecchi either. It's a great read, hilarious at times and deadly tense and serious at others. And for those who were keeping up with it, the TLs even timed the releases so that the end of the series (the new year) coincided with real life.

Funny how things work out that way. I wonder if they planned on doing that from the start?



I just finished marathoning Kokoro Connect. It's the 2nd time I've started and finished a series within a 24-hour time span (the first was Spice and Wolf season 1). As such, there have been a few edits to my awards. Because there's no way I could sit idle after seeing something of that caliber. Silver Link, you might have been a dick this year (i.e. the "incident"), but holy crap, you got me to connect with....Kokoro Connect.

Ahahahaaaaa that was funny...no it wasn't. Sorry. Anyways, on to the wishes and resolutions. Which EC will carry out and I will fail at.


5 Wishes/5 Resolutions for the Upcoming Year:

5 Wishes:
1) Please rom-com series with less vapid plots and better pacing. Every time I see a harem with no action and some random bullshit going on like with Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica, I want to barf my guts out.

2) KYOANI PICK BETTER SERIES. What the fuck, you picked Chuunibyou while letting J.C. Staff do Little Busters? Did you guys forget that the last series you guys worked on with Key Studios was Clannad: After Story? Is that not enough motivation to do a collab with Key? Jesus...

OboeOtaku: Yea...that was retarded. Why did J.C. Staff get the 2 best slice-of-lifes of the season? God...

On another note, studio collabs are great - Rinne no Lagrange with Xebec and Production I.G., for instance. Please do more. KyoAni + Toei? Shaft + Gainax? AIC + J.C. Staff? Yes please.

3) I really really really like the idea of imoutos in a harem. However, I want the current imouto-vaguely-in-harem trend to die so hard it's not even funny. Parodies like OniiAi are fine. But NakaImo was an abomination. Never again...

4) I want a sequel of Saki, not a spinoff. Read: please face-off Saki vs Teru already in the Nationals, jeez. The manga original artist (Kobayashi Ritz) is dragging her foot with the confrontation too. What is this, a shoujo romance? A sequel of KamiMemo would be great too, since that series still has a lot more to uncover...

5) I wish that everyone will have a great and fulfilling year, overcoming whatever obstacles may lie in store for them, reaching the goals they have set for themselves, creating even higher standards to run towards, yet also finding and relishing the happiness in the stability we have created for our friends, our family, ourselves, and others.

After all, isn't that what anime morals keep preaching to us?

There's a cookie on top of this hill

5 Resolutions:
1) I resolve to write more fanfic involving uncommon couples in this upcoming year (Minori x Ryuuji? Houtarou x Mayaka? I think so.)

2) Hopefully I will write more 'Reflections' posts regarding the trends in series, with more pics, biting remarks, rage, and lots of graphs to prove...something.

3) I will rage less.


Kinda sorta maybe


4) I will resolve to draw more pics so my drawings don't look as shitty. 

5) I resolve to be less lazy to write more posts with content that you guys will enjoy - analysis, parody, or whatnot - all with a hopefully refreshing or unforeseen perspective on the matter. After all, what's the point of parroting something that has already been rehashed?

5 Wishes:
1) More "pure" slice-of-life series. This fall/winter, I really managed to sink my teeth into some good ones, binging on a combination of past and present series. After rabidly watching Hyouka, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Little Busters, Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko (rewatch), and Hanasaku Iroha, my appetite and expectations for the genre has grown substantially (it also made me realize why Chuunibyou was such a disappointment after the monster that was Hyouka). Sakurasou and Little Busters will be able to tide me off for the Winter season if everything else is shit, but from spring onwards, I need something to come and fill up the void that their endings will leave in my heart (EC knows how much I raged after I realized I had no more Hyouka to watch...and will likely get a similar, if not more vehement outburst from me via GChat after I finish Hanasaku Iroha).

2) I want translators to get their asses off of dumb series/projects when there are so many others that they could be working on. When I first saw High School DxD appear on Baka-Tsuki, I thought I would have an aneurysm. I don't care how good EC says the fan service is, or how appealing the boob cannons might be. Get your asses on Denpa Onna for Pete's sake. Or finish translating Hyouka. But please, for the love of God, don't blaze through 13 fucking volumes of High School DxD while only translating 2.5 volumes of Hyouka and completely fucking ignoring Denpa Onna. Dear Lord...

On a similar, less rage-filled vein, there are some VN translations that I would love to see in the coming year. The 18+ version of Little Busters is sure to be good, as is anything from the Majikoi franchise (Wanko #1, just saying). And of course, I'm looking forward to the completion of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru. Even without considering translations, the project itself has been delayed over and over...so God knows I'm eager to play it.

ExtraCareful: To the readers out there, I'd suggest looking out for the releases for Aiyoku no Eustia and Fortune Arterial - they're also quite popular over in Japan as well as with the foreign crowd. There's even a full Korean translation for the latter due to its popularity.

3) A wish carrying over from last year...I wish for more good music. This year had some good songs, but nowhere near enough. Similarly, I wish for luck during my random Youtube music hunts. Or maybe I should just be like EC and torrent every soundtrack that pops up and strike gold once every 100 tracks or so.
...I still want Yanagi Nagi and Supercell to rejoin too.

4) Become more adept at fighting games. This involves becoming semi-decent at Melty Blood and learning how the fuck the play melee. I will not rest until I can consistently do a full length moonwalk with captain falcon. Fuck wavedashing though, my fingers can't handle that. I'll just replace it with the knee.


5 Resolutions:
1) Begin to exercise regularly so that I don't end up like a certain fat pig from Accel World.

2) Learn to balance anime/manga/games with school so that I don't end up as a NEET.

3) Watch more airing series (why the fuck didn't I watch Hanasaku Iroha and Hyouka as they aired...I'm so pathetic).

4) Look into music editing/remixing. I need to be able to create a NND style medley one of these days, as a tribute to the medley that sucked me into the otaku world to begin with. Plus, since I spend so much time looking up anime/VN soundtracks, I get the feeling I should step past just listening to it and do something more. This probably means I'll have to learn music theory as well though...

Let's make this more of a long term goal then. And perhaps one day in the distant future...I'll be able to compose my own little tunes.

5) Contribute to the blog on non-holiday/expectations posts. This will probably be the hardest resolution to follow through on.


Anime Awards for 2012


Awards are obviously subject to opinion. Please read anything with 'best' or 'worst' as 'favorite' or 'least favorite'. Also only includes stuff I've watched; awards are only rewarded for stuff seen this year only (that is, if a series did really well last year but not this year with a given sequel, they will not receive an award).

Best OP: FEARLESS HERO (Dog Days' OP; sung by Mizuki Nana)
Best ED: Foul Play ni Kurari (To Love-Ru ~Darkness~ ED; by Wakeshima Kanon)
Best Overall Soundtrack/BGM: Little Busters! / Rinne no Lagrange (two-way tie)
The 'Holographic Charizard card' Award for Best Visuals: Hyouka
Best Protagonist/Main Character: Oreki Houtarou (Hyouka) / Kurokami Medaka (Medaka Box) (two-way tie)
Worst Protagonist/Main Character: Rick (Shining Hearts ~Shiawase no Pan~)
Best Supporting Character*: Irisu Fuyumi (Hyouka); honorable mention goes to Hachisuka Goemon (Oda Nobuna no Yabou)
Best Overall Cast: Little Busters! / Kokoro Connect / Hyouka (three-way tie)
Best Couple: Niiya Teiichi x Yuuko Kanoe (Tasogare Otome x Amnesia)
The 'To Love-Ru' Award for Best Animated Harem: Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
Coolest Personal Power/Skill/Weapon: All Fiction (Kumagawa Misogi, Medaka Box) / Increasing Wins (Miyanaga Teru, Saki Achiga-hen Episode of Side-A; this ability is physically shown as a tornado appearing around her right arm) (two-way tie); honorable mention goes to Altered God Mode (Kurokami Medaka, Medaka Box)
The '... ... ...' Award for Most Obvious Railroad/Deus Ex Machina Plot Device in a Series: Nerve Gear (Sword Art Online)
Best Character/Voice Actor Combination: Natsume Asako - Tanezaki Atsumi (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun), Hachisuka Goemon - Kaneda Tomoko (Oda Nobuna no Yabou) (two-way tie); honorable mention to Himenokouji Akiko - Kido Ibuki (Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!)
The 'Let Me Check MyAnimeList Again for the 50th Goddamn Time' Award for Most Surprising Voice Actor**: Ogura Yui
The 'Donald Trump' Award for Most Money Thrown at a Series: Dog Days'
Best Fansub Group***: rori
Worst Fansub Group (AKA The 'Oh English Why God Oishii-san' Award)****: Hadena
Best Studio: Kyoto Animations
Worst Studio: Silver Link
The 'Morning Snow' Award for Most Surprisingly Pleasant Series: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
The 'Oreimo OVAs' Award for Most Disappointing Adaptation: Amagami SS+ plus, Nisemonogatari (two-way tie)
*OboeOtaku*: Fuck you.
The 'Just In Time For The Next Season' Award for Best Pacing: Campione!
The 'Why Is This Cliffhanger Starting in Episode 11.5' Award for Worst Pacing: Shining Hearts ~Shiawase no Pan~; honorable mention goes to Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Best Sequel: YuruYuri♪♪ (Season 2)
Worst Sequel: Amagami SS+ plus
The 'Ninja'd' Award for Best Secretly Homosexual Series*****: K
The 'Please Make a Sequel for This Please Please Please' Award for Best Fanservice: Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
The Facepalm Award for Worst Fanservice: Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica; honorable mention goes to the Asa made Jugyou Chu! OVA.
The 'Q______Q' Award for Most Overly Dramatic Series: Black☆Rock Shooter
The 'OH GOD MANTEARS ARE FLOWING' Award for Most Tear-Jerking/Heart-Warming Series: Kokoro Connect; honorable mention goes to Hyouka
The 'Humdrum' Award for Most Realistic Series******: Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
The 'Award' Award for Most Meta/References in a Series: Joshiraku (would be Seitokai no Ichizon Lv. 2 but it hasn't come out in 720p yet @_______@)
Best Anime-Original Series: Rinne no Lagrange
Most Overrated Series: Sword Art Online
Funniest Series: Another YuruYuri♪♪
Worst Series: Recorder to Randsell / Shining Hearts ~Shiawase no Pan~ (two-way tie)
Best Slice-of-Life Series: Kokoro Connect


Best Series of 2012: Hyouka

Oreki x Mayaka. A match made in nagging distrust, awkward silences, and little moments of glorious blushing.

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Seneca

What happens when one of the best studios in the anime business decides to animate a light novel original with a splendid sense of wit, mystery, and a bit of slice-of-life peaceful afternoons? Apparently, Hyouka

The production quality is second to none. Both of the OPs are Soundtrack Pick-worthy, the soundtrack is much less electro-/midi-sounding than other series, and more than that, KyoAni as usual knows how to wield silence better than any other studio out there. If there was ever a series this year that had moments where the clichéd phrase "you could cut the tension with a knife" became useful, it was Hyouka. The graphics were also top-notch, with gloss, bright and strong colors, plentiful frames, gif-worthy shiny animations (those eyes...), and the main artist for the K-On! anime adaptation drawing for the series. But what really takes the cake are the unique visual representations that Hyouka uses every now and then during either important or expository events. Much like how Baka to Test used stuff like simplified birds' eye diagrams or cutesy stuff like a GPS-like map + toolbar, Hyouka did a lot of little things that added up well. Furthermore, even the minuscule details such as pink shades below Ibara's eyes after she cries is a delight to see and simply takes this series over the edge.

As a simple slice-of-life + rom-com, it does well enough to go toe-to-toe with others this year - from the interactions between Oreki/Chitanda and Ibara/Fukube as well as how everyone interacts within the four, to the familiar faces of the supporting cast and how the individual mains react to them. The conversations constantly change within the group and as individuals, showing a level of realism not often seen in lesser, more fanservice-oriented slice-of-life novels. The supporting cast itself is solid, with characters such as Fuyumi Irisu taking the villain and voice-of-reason roles capably without getting too much of the screen time. It also mixes the everyday rom-com/moral struggles of all four main characters with a good pace, resolving them in an also pretty brisk and common-sense manner, despite having 22 episodes in which to fool around.

But then comes the mystery. Each episode is pretty much designed such that all the episode(s) in a given arc should let the audience get to/come close to the answer if every little detail is observed properly. Oreki himself explains the mystery in an intuitive way, without getting some random not-before-seen knowledge; without hand-waving the details; and without relying on some bullshit 'crystals of chaos'. An honest effort is made to make the mystery seem as realistic as possible, with the only real drawback being that the conclusion is too clean and simple at times (or maybe not, looking back upon some arcs). These mysteries are, of course, nice in themselves, but they also help to bring in characters, develop the main characters, and elaborate upon the setting of Hyouka - in essence, the mysteries are also being used as plot devices as well as entertainment. If that's not hard to juggle, I don't know what is.

As with Nichijou from 2011, KyoAni managed to put in all the finishing touches on a series that is simple on the outside, yet once you look inside, jump into that rabbithole, you can never go back - the best kind of series. For this, I award Hyouka the best series of 2012. 

*The award cannot go to a main character. As tautological as it sounds, if a series is told from perspectives of four main characters and others in the cast, those four characters cannot receive the award. Example series: Hyouka, Yuruyuri.
**The voice actor may have done some small roles here and there years ago, but this award is for an actor that suddenly pops up as a consistently used/recognizable voice across close/consecutive seasons, or even multiple series in a season.
***Quality, consistency, delivery time, relative quantity of series subbed, rarity of series subbed (that is, are any other groups subbing it consistently, and perhaps better than the given group?)
****Will indefinitely belong to Hadena until further notice.
*****Question: Is a series gay if it has a lot of guys in close range talking about being close friends, fighting each other, and swearing loyalty to one another? Answer: No, but you look at the last episode of K and tell me that it doesn't secretly have some man-on-man vibes beneath all the flame-y action.
******I judge solely by character interactions, not by setting. However, the realism of character interactions tend to be stretched somewhat in a more bizzare setting. There are, however, instances where realism is stabilized/maintained within a non-everyday setting, such as within a strictly feudal, non-magical background or a near-future setting, such as with Rinne no Lagrange.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and here are OboeOtaku's awards!

OboeOtaku's Awards:

Due to my laxness in keeping up with series, this awards list is much shorter than EC's. The award names are also much less amusing due to my lack of creativity. But hey, this makes makes me feel important, so why not?
Actually, it doesn't. But let's pull out some shit anyways. Be warned: my choices can be highly subjective.

Best OP: Yasashisa no Riyuu (Hyouka OP)
Best OP Cover: Taiyou Iwaku Moeyo Chaos (Haiyore! Nyaruko-san OP), Norio Wakamoto ver.
Best OP Animations: SELF PRODUCER (OniAi OP)
The Best "OP-that-everyone-seems-to-have-forgotten-about" Award: Kimi he (Chuunibyou lite OP)
Best ED: Days of Dash (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo ED)
Worst ED: Ohisama (Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou ED)
Best Official Music Video*: Mugen no Ai (Mouretsu Pirates OP)
Best BGM: Hyouka
Best Subs*: Commie for Girls und Panzer.
Best Graphics: Hyouka
Most Annoying Graphics: Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai
Best Male Protagonist: Oreki Houtarou (Hyouka)
Best Male Antagonist: Kotomine Kirei (Fate/Zero Season 2)
*EDIT* Creepiest Antagonist: Balloon Vine (Kokoro Connect)
The 'Kinoshita Hideyoshi, 10/10 would bang' Award for Best Male to be Homo for: Akasaka Ryuunosuke (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo)
The 'Kinnikuman' Award for Best Masculine Body: Inohara Masato (Little Busters!)
Best Female Character: Matsumae Ohana Ibara Mayaka (Hyouka)
Most Noticeable Female Protagonist**: Akaza Akari (YuruYuri Season 2)
The 'Kokonoe Rin' Award for Best Loli: Noumi Kudryavka (Little Busters!)
*ExtraCareful*: Every time Kud says 'wafuu~' I die a little bit inside from the cuteness.
Most Curious Character: Chitanda Eru (Hyouka)
Best Couple: Satoshi x Mayaka (Hyouka).
*EDIT* Best Voice: Himeko Inaba - Sawashiro Miyuki (Kokoro Connect)
Best Overall Cast: Hyouka/Kokoro Connect (two-way tie)
The 'Mystletainn Kick' Award for Deadliest Weapon/Skill: Baseball Pitch (Natsume Rin, Little Busters!)
The 'Konjiki no Yami' Award for Deadliest Best Hair: Yoshikawa Chinatsu (YuruYuri Season 2)
Best Laugh: Himenokouji Akiko (OniAi)
Best Wardrobe:  Chitanda Eru (Hyouka) / Nikaidou Arashi (OniAi) (two-way tie)
The 'Eyeshield 21' Award for Best Sports Series: Kuroko no Basuke
The 'Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai' Award for Biggest Letdown: Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai.
Most Overrated/Overhyped Series: Sword Art Online
The 'Seikon no Qwaser' Award for Series Best Watched in Public Spaces: Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
Most use of Bread in a Single Series Award: Shiawase no Pan.
Best Fanservice Series: Onii-chan dakedo Ai sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne!
Best Single Instance of Fanservice: Nisemonogatari, toothbrush scene.
Best Series I haven't Seen: Kokoro Connect
*EDIT* Most Heartwarming Series: Kokoro Connect
Best Meme: Sparkling Daydream (also known as the finger twirl, and WOOP WOOP. From the Chuunibyou OP animations).
The 'Believe in the You that Believes in Yourself' Award for Most Motivational Series: Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
*EDIT* The 'Hanasaku Iroha' Award for Best Slice-of-Life Series: Hyouka/Kokoro Connect (two-way tie)

* By "best" I mean "lolwtf is this shit?"
**Not synonymous with best female on any accounts.

Extra Awards:
Best VN OP: Aoirio Step (Aoiro x Scenario OP)
Worst VN OP: This <-- So bad. Sososososo bad.
Best VN ED: Hoshi ga Matataku Konna Yoru ni (Mahou Tsukai no Yoru ED)
Most Anticipated VN Translation***: Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
Best VN: Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! S
Worst VN:  See "Worst VN OP"

***of a 2012 VN that is.

And Finally...

Best Series:


Sakurasou was definitely a close competitor for this. God knows that series is brilliant; I can't remember not thoroughly enjoying a single episode. But Hyouka just blew me away. All of the 4 mains are excellent characters, and the interactions between them are simply stunning. Plus, as EC said, it manages to "summarize all of Sakurasou in a single episode" (episode 17 for those who were wondering). KyoAni really did a number on me with this one...it left a hole in my heart when it finished...a hole which made me crave ice cream.

Oreki: Chitanda! We've won the Best Series Award! Aren't you-
Chitanda: Curious? Not particularly.


Let us head towards a brighter future...together.

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